воскресенье, 14 декабря 2008
книги на английском языкероманы
книги не подлежали переводу, выпущены английскими(или американскими ) издательствами.

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читать дальше1) TOM CLANCY *RED RABBIT*
PENGUIN BOOKS published by the Penguin Group, printed in Englan by Clays Ltd.
(When young Jack Ryan joins the CIA as an analyst he is thrust into a world of political intrigue and conspiracy. Stationed in England, he quiqly find himself debrifing a Soviet defector with an extraodinary story to tell: senior Russian officials are plotting to assassinate Pope John Paul ΙΙ. The CIA novice must forget his wits to firstly discover the detales of the plot – and then prevent its execution. For it is not just the Pope’s life than is at stake, but also the stability of the world...)
930 страниц – отличное состояние 450руб
В остальных книгах страницы в отличном состоянии – не порваны, не деформированы, но помята обложка (впрочем, мы читаем не обложку). Они совершили большой путь, некоторые пережили поездку через океан)
DAW BOOKS, INC, printed in the USA, DAW trademark registered.
(When a Federal sweep goes bust, Agent Jim McGruder finds himself with a warehous empty of the stolen computer components he knows should be there, adn only one scrap of evidence to bring new life into his investigation – evidence that in time will lead him to a charismatic evangelist who preaches New Hope but deals in death...)
465 страниц – 350руб
ISLAND BOOKS, published by Dell Publishing a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Group, New York, printed in the USA.
(The next day America learns that two of its Supreme Courts justices have been assassinated. And in New Orlesns, a young law student prepares a legal breaf...
To Darby Shaw it was no more than a legal shot in the dark, a brilliant guess. To the Washington establishment it was political dinamite. Suddenly Darby is witness to a murder – a murder intended for her. Going underground, she finds there is only one person she can trust – an ambitious reporter after a newsbreak hotter than Watergate – to help her piece together the deadly puzzle. Somewhere between the bayous of Lousiana and the White House’s inner sanctums, a violent cover-upis being engineered. For someone has read Darby’s brief. Someone who will stop at nothing to destroy the evidence of an unthinkable crime.)
435 страниц – 350руб
PAN BOOKS London&Sydney, printed in Great Britain by Cox Ltd.
(On the very anniversary of his father’s suicidetwenty years earlier, Soviet affares specialist Robert Thorne received a cry for help from the woman he once loved. May Brightman’s own father had dissapeared, and she feared for his life. So began the hunt – through America, Europe, Russia – for a missing man, a missing fortune, and the key to a mistery, its roots buried deep in the past...)
320 страниц – 320руб (лицевая часть обложки помята).